Archive for May, 2011

31 May, 2011

~INDA SÁENZ | Construcción, destrucción y vestigios

La Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Autónoma de México
tiene el agrado de invitarle a la inauguración de la exposición:

Construcción, destrucción y vestigios
Miércoles 1 de junio 2011 / 18:00 horas 

Abierta hasta el 26 de agosto de 2011, excepto en el periodo vacacional (3 al 24 de julio)

Galería José Luis Benlliure de la Facultad de Arquitectura,UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria,México,D.F.

31 May, 2011

~ATMA Video Performance artist Anahita Razmi wins the Emdash Award 2011

Iris Atma

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Anahita Razmi, ‘China Girl,’ 2009.
Courtesy of the artist.

The winner of the Emdash Award 2011 is the video and performance artist Anahita Razmi, who is based in Stuttgart. Razmi’s previous works have dealt with issues concerning identity and gender, employing objects with a national and cultural significance or citing the work of high-profile female artists. Her winning proposal combines both of these features of her work and was selected from over 550 applications by artists from all over the world. The shortlist included entries from Australia, Costa Rica, Croatia, France, Germany, India, Israel, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and the USA.

For Frieze Art Fair 2011, sponsored for the eighth year by Deutsche Bank, Razmi will present a new commission that intends to draw attention to how Tehran’s skyline was recently used by protestors after the Iranian presidential election. She will use choreographer Trisha Brown’s 1971 work Roof Piece, which took place on 12 different rooftops over a ten-block area in downtown New York, as its point of departure. The work will be presented as a video installation at Frieze Art Fair. 

Razmi studied at Akademie für Bildende Künste, Stuttgart; Pratt Institute, New York; and Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Selected shows and projects from 2011 include: Videonale 13, Kunstmuseum Bonn; ‘Division by Zero,’ Carbon12, Dubai; ‘Make – Believe – Remake,’ Kunstverein Friedrichshafen.

The Emdash Award allows an emerging artist based outside the UK to realise a major project at Frieze Art Fair as part of the critically acclaimed Frieze Projects programme. The award is supported by the Emdash Foundation, a private foundation with a mission to support new ideas and emerging talent across disciplines, from the arts and cultural projects to science. 

Interview mit Anahita Razmi – Olis Radioshow

Ausschnitt aus der 102. Radio-Sendung vom 3. Februar 2011: Beitrag "Interview mit Anahita Razmi". – Nachlesen unter www.OlisRadioshow.deAnahita 

by OlisAbendshow | 5 months ago | 368 views


Preis des Kunstvereins 2010

aus. Der Preis 2010 geht an Samuel Henne, Fabian Reimann und Anahita Razmi. Beitrag von Ulrike Dau für 0511 tv.lokal  Kunstverein Hannover Preis 

by kunstvereinhannover | 10 months ago | 143 views



‎"Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy." 
Guillaume Appollinaire
Photo: Ingrid Rodriguez

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‎"Just be yourself. Everybody else is already taken." 
-Oscar Wilde

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ArtsManagementNet‎’Crowd-Funding’ Sites Enable Artists to Raise Real Money #fundraising #crowdfunding – Interesting article about the performance of crowd-funding platforms with good news for artists such as "From April 2009 to March 2011, 20,371 projects were listed on Kickstarter, and donors have pledged more than $53 million to them."

Crowd-funding sites have grown in popularity over the last few years and continue to attract artists and benefactors.



A master mind working in order to make undesirable acts to look gorgeous. I wonder… Is there a way, even a simple and easy blink, when violence really help us to increase our conscience? Or is it that when conscience arrive to our souls, we just resign of some aesthetic luxuries, because we can’t pray for them and love them in our hearts anymore? I must confess my deep admiration to Greenaway’ elegance.

The cook, the thief, his wife and her lover: final scene! Movie by Peter Greenaway


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You were born to greatness. Having a life mission implies that that world has need of you. In fact, the world has been preparing you to fill this need with one incredible life experience after another. Finding and fulfilling your potential will lead you to your highest experience in this life. Believe it, you have a mission. It is the gateway to your personal greatness. ~Greg Anderson
Gill xx
Artwork by Gill


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Ron Arad, born in 1951 in Tel Aviv, is a British industrial designer and architect. This "Blo Void" is a fantastic example of his fusion of sculpture, with the use of polished mirror and reflective woven aluminum, creating a simple rocking chair:

by: artnet


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+Lista de correos de Iris Atma. Boletín de arte actual desde el 2003.

+ Iris Atma is a visual and performance artist. Creator by humanitarian ideals and principles of Love, Light and Power in her projects of photography, painting, video, experimental audio, conceptual art, fashion design, network art and performance. She was born in Mexico, of Swiss, German, Catalan, and Mexican origin. She is the founder of the modern concept of Creative Conscience; the Art of combining art criticism, visual creation, and ancient spiritual sciences.